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About Our School

The society of today, is very much influenced by Science and Technology resulting in the loss of basic human dignity and human rights. Our educational Institutions aim at making our students aware of their important roles as women and forming them for this task of safe-guarding human rights and dignity and of creating united and happy families. Our existing educational system is also incapable of instilling in the youth of today,a deeper meaning of life and the value of hope and it also has failed in safe-guarding the equality of men and women, thus perpetuating the oppression of women.

At this moment, as educators, through our educational institutions, we instill in our students the courage and hope to face every situation in life by creating in them the “God Consciousness”, leading to God experience. We point out the unjust and oppressive systems of today’s society, awakening in them the sense of justice and induce them to act justly to denounce all that is unjust. We prepare our students to be powerfull instruments to proclaim the values of Jesus – Love,Justice, Authenticity, Brotherhood etc.

We give preference to the rural and economically poor children in our institutions and we strive to give all the students a total, integral formation. We inspire our students to redeem and safeguard the sacredness of womanhood and we encourage them to become women of strength and imbibe courage to work for women’s liberation. We invite them to form themselves as bridges of peace and communion, uniting man with man and with God by communicating genuine love and the spirit of reconciliation. Functioning in this way, our institution hopes to realize the dream of God, to create a “New Heaven and New Earth”.


Being women of communion, contemplative and prophetic, empower women and children through faith formation and value-based education for for societal equlaitu, harmony and to care fou our common home.

Founder's message
Rev Sr. Rose Benedict, An American missionary. lead the light og wisdom, courage and confidence in the lives of young growing women of Maduarai. She Relentlessly worked for their empowerment by Founding many institutions in Madurai.She is the foundress of our Institution. .
Headmistress Message / Enlighten to wake up
Having been an educator for several years, I keenly support the pivotal, proactive role an educational organisation of repute plays in today's society. If I feel honoured to be in charge of a seat of learning that can mould the most significant resource of any nation.
Mision of our school
To energize women and children towards academic excellence through quality education. To endow them with character, competence, creativity and commitment. To enkindle in them inlusive love, building fraternal communities and stand for the cause of those at the periphery with compassion.
How To Reach Us
Old Kuyavarpalayam Road, Madurai-9, Tamilnadu, India.
0452 4381943
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